Freelance project

INtravidual Brand Identity





project type:

Logo Design • Brand Identity


Art Director • Lead Designer


I designed a logo and developed a visual brand identity for an eclectic independent online art collective.


At the intersection of creativity, community, and self you can find an Intravidual. Intravidual is an online space for those who have a voice and want to express it.

The collective originated with a group of college friends looking to establish a place to jointly create content. This turned into an idea for a collaborative space they could share and grow.

Intravidual needed a brand that reflected the young, diverse, eclectic community it aimed to develop.


Over a few iterations we arrived at a design that resonated with the themes of the Intravidual brand. The mark utilizes the ideal of ‘togetherness’ and the centralization of ‘i’ into community.


letter i


Color Flexibility

The primary colors of the palette are purple hues, which are complimented by secondary warmer and natural colors. The colors have a balance between soft hues and more vibrant full colors, this dichotomy helped in making multiple interesting gradients.

The logo is executed always in black or white and works in a variety of different combinations with the colors.

We expanded upon the idea with these repeated circle cylinders. They furthered our design language while maintaining our identity values of  community, connection, and synergy.


The Intravidual brand identity needed to be easily accessible as it was going to be used by all of the Intravidual team. We developed it with this in mind, making the brand assets simple and reproducible. By using just squares and circles we are able to place elements into grids to create unique designs while maintaining the brand identity through color and consistent design.


Social media is a key platform for the Intravidual brand. Particularly YouTube, as they are planning to make original content: podcasts, interviews, and artist stories.

One of the ventures is “Intravidual Worldview” a podcast that discusses global socio-political issues; we developed a secondary mark for the podcast and animated an intro card for video format.



Intravidual values community building, and representation above all else. The process for developing its identity was no different. Collaboratively, I worked with the Intravidual team; through iteration, and communication we built a brand identity that accurately brought their vision to life. This project provided me an opportunity to practice my design workflow, and helped me to become a more comprehensive designer.

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